Thursday, August 13, 2009

Poverty,Heatlhcare,and restoring America

Somewhere in America, an eight-year-old girl goes to sleep hungry, a little girl who ought to be drawing pictures and learning multiplication cries herself to sleep, praying that her father, who has been out of work for two years, will get a job again. It doesn't have to be that way. Somewhere in America, a hotel housekeeper walks a picket line with her union brothers and sisters fighting for decent health care benefits during the day and works the late-shift at a diner at night so that she and her family can live a decent life and so her boy can go to college and have choices she never had. And somewhere, a young man folds a college acceptance letter and puts it in his drawer because even with his part-time job and his mother's second job, he knows he cannot afford to go. It doesn't have to be that way.

Somewhere in America, a mother wipes her hand on a dishcloth to go answer a knock on her door and opens it to find an army chaplain and an officer standing there with solemn faces and her boy's name her patriotic son who enlisted after September 11 on their lips. It doesn't have to be that way. Somewhere in the world, a five-year-old boy in a refugee camp is bending under the weight of his two-year-old sister. His family massacred, he carries his remaining sister everywhere, and sleeps with his arms wrapped tightly around her, knowing that tomorrow he will have to do the same thing, and again the next day and the day after that because she is all the family he has now. It doesn't have to be that way.

Somewhere in America, a father comes home from the second shift and feels a raging fever on the brow of his sleeping daughter as he kisses her goodnight. And now, bone-weary and worried, he cradles that child in his arms at the emergency room, because there is nowhere else for him to go. It doesn't have to be that way. And so I ask you, will you stand up for that tired father forced into emergency rooms to get health care for his little girl?

Will you stand up for the working men and women in our labor movement who have to fight for decent working conditions and living wages? We are not the country of secret surveillance and government behind closed doors. Will you stand up for the young man who knows that education is his way out of the cycle of poverty and yet it seems beyond his grasp? Will you stand up for that hungry eight-year-old girl so she doesn't give up on her life before it's even begun? Will you stand up for all the American families whose loved ones are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Silence is betrayal Will you stand up? Will you stand up for America? Because if we don't stand up, who will? If we don't speak out, who will? Speak out against the war.The time for half-measures, empty promises and sweet rhetoric is gone. Now is the time for courage, decisiveness and moral leadership.They have to hear you. Can they hear you?
Everyone must lead. It's time to stand up for the promise of America again and for the principle that every American matters. And shutting down debate in the Senate on this issue is worse than a betrayal. It's an outright denial of the people's will. Americans are speaking out. And our leaders must do no less. And make no mistake: America must lead. We are the pre-eminent, stabilizing power in the world. If we don't stand up, who will? Fight poverty, One in every five children count them, one in every five American children lives in poverty, here on the richest nation on the planet. Universal health care, end the silence So, will you speak out? Will you stand up? These are the great moral imperatives of our time. And by breaking the silence, we are not breaking faith with our flag or our forefathers or our brave young men and women in uniform. We are keeping faith with America. Let's stand up for the working people whose labor made this country great. America was built by men and women who worked with their hands. And organized labor has fought for those workers. What are you waiting for? It is time to do what you know is right and to speak out against what you know is wrong. Not tomorrow. Now! Speak out now, take action now! Everyone matters Will you stand up for America? Because if we don't stand up, who will? If we don't speak out, who will? It doesn't have to be that way, For the richest country in the world to allow this to be happening is one of the greatest atrocities the world has ever seen.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hello out there,
Does anyone else out there feel like this is more than just a recession/depression? Does anyone feel like maybe the way of life we have become accustom to may be over? That maybe this is not gonna turn around and maybe we need to focus on how our species will continue to survive when we can no longer buy things on credit, how trips to the store will become increasingly more difficult as gas prices spike up and down as we start to realize that DRILL BABY DRILL may have been the dumbest statement ever made! Maybe it's time to see that no one is going to bail us out of anything, and it's gonna be all on you to save your self and your family. Let me address oil 1st it is true that if you look at a computer model map of the earth that it appears oil is everywhere. The problem is it is extremely deep, EXTREMELY DEEP and the cost of getting that oil out of the ground is VERY EXPENSIVE. So what you say well if it cost a lot to get it out of the ground then refine it etc etc. Well those cost are going to be passed on to you so Drill baby drill makes no sense we are not finding any new oil wells anywhere in the world that have oil at a reasonable depth. The major oil fields in Mexico and Saudi Arabia are depleting at an alarming rate and within 5 years will no longer be able to meet demand. So what happens then? It will be too late then to start a major push for "new" sources of fuel and power. Major systems will collapse we have started seeing it already with banks, people forget that over last summer gas prices soared to almost 4.40 a gallon here on long island, that was the precursor to what happened a few months later. It was a warning that we are severely outta whack!!! What have we done to put us on a path to fix this? The answer is NOTHING we voted for change and it is early in the Obama administration but the continued tossing of money in the wrong directions appears to be continuing. Passing a stimulus package that spends millions on repairing infastructure and roads is like digging a hole and shoveling our cash right into it! Money should be being spent making trucking obsolete and moving back to shipping our goods via Railways, and rebuliding our ports such as the erie canal where we can move goods via barge from the east coast into the middle of the country, but there is no mention of this in Obama's package. We are rapidly running out of time to make changes in out lives like James Howard Kuntsler says we need to become much more local in everything we do. Kuntsler has opened my eyes to the plight that faces this country in the very near future. His book THELONG EMERGENCY is an excellent read for anyone who wants to see the reality of whats comming not the false promises of desperate governments and the informationless news that we are fed like sheep. What are the answers? That is for each person to sit and do deep soul searching as to what you can do to ensure your family's survival, what we have seen so far is most likely no where near as bad as it will get. I will include a link to James Howard Kuntsler's web page at the end of this blog it's well worth it to visit it. Personally I think it is imperative that if the surburbs are to survive they be made self sufficient and to do that your going to need a variety of things per household one is not gonna be enough. You cannot bank on only solar power to run all of your house, you need solar panels, you also need geo -thermal heating and don't believe the bullshit when they say you can't get that heating unless you live in a vlocanic area BULLSHIT anyone with some property can have geo thermal heating there are different ways to go about it I will search for a link for all of you. Cars are just gonna have to be driven less, Mass transit and walking are going to have to take the place of the automobile. If you dont think I'm right about the oil step back and lose your your political affilations and ask yourself. Why are we really in Iraq? and Afghanastan? Why when Georgia Attacked South Osseita did we say Russia must end it's aggression towards Georgia?? Puzzling since Georgia was the agressor or did it have to do with natural gas and oil and a pipline Georgia and the US want to cut through South Osseita so they can control oil flow into Turkey and stick it to Russia who supplies Natural Gas to western Europe???? Research it yourself and see what you come up with. The Oil wars have begun and they are going to get worse as the realization sets in that we cannot just DRILL BABY DRILL to aquire more oil. As the 2 major fiels in Mexico (Cantarell) and Saudi Arabia(Ghawar) rapidly deplete these wars are going to get more numerous and much more intense.
What does it mean for you on a daily basis it means its high time to get your shit in order and start depending on your local communities and stop waiting for some government program to bail you out.
Kuntsler's web site: