Wednesday, September 19, 2007

College proffessors

Why is it that college proffessors fail to take into account that most of their students espically at transit schools work on avg. 30-50 hours aweek? No less than 2 days ago i was sitting in a class where a professor asked how many students worked & she was absolutly shocked when everyone raised their hands. I give her credit for asking b/c most of her colleagues appear to care less the amt. of work their students have outside the classroom. Never the less it did not prevent her from assigning a major 30 min oral presentation. My major beef here is that these professors need to realize that students today are taking on more & more nor do professors seem to take into account that their students are taking other classes as well. I am not suguessting that college be made easy not at all, but some teachers need to seriously scale back their expectations of what a student can handle, a 10 pg paper is acceptable, 3 papers & a presentation while working 40 hours & trying to meet up with group members who likewise are working is damn near impossible. Times have changed signifigantly no longer do u find a home where one parent is able to remain home, both must work, & no longer is it acceptable for college proffessors to assume that they can dump tremendous workloads on students who are already under tremendous pressure of school & working close to full time. It's high time teachers step back & review their policies & realize students in college now have much more required of them outside the classroom than they did when they were students...

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